進化する住空間へようこそ ~VRで共有する空間・価値・未来~
Welcome to the developing living space ‐Sharing your space, value and future with VR

小山田 隆広 安心計画株式会社 代表取締役社長
TAKAHIRO OYAMADA President, Anshin Project Japan Inc.
Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1948. After working at a shipping company, I founded a sales branch of Fujitsu Limited in 1984 and started selling an accounting system that handled construction costs.
I began selling CAD for housing in 1991 and CG simulation software for housing in 1995. After that,
I started selling various VR systems and a promotion video system. In 2020, I released a new VR system for show house exhibitions.
The Executive Director of Japan Executives Association of Furniture Trade and Industry.
Prize: The Inamori Prize in business by Seiwajuku in 2016
Adoption: “Housing Business Supporting System Utilizing AI Technology”,
“Guidance System of Living Environment” adopted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Authorization: “Housing Record’s Registration Agency” authorized by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
How to work and living in the future

隈 研吾 建築家
KENGO KUMA Architect
Kengo Kuma was born in 1954. Before establishing Kengo Kuma & Associates in 1990, he received his Master's Degree in Architecture from the University of Tokyo, where he is currently a University Professor and a Professor Emeritus. Having been inspired by Kenzo Tange's Yoyogi National Gymnasium, built for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Kengo Kuma decided to pursue architecture at a young age, and later entered the Architecture program at the University of Tokyo, where he studied under Hiroshi Hara and Yoshichika Uchida. During his Graduate studies, he made a research trip across the Sahara, exploring various villages and settlements, observing a unique power and beauty. After his time as a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University in New York, he established his office in Tokyo. Since then, Kengo Kuma & Associates has designed architectural works in over twenty countries and received prestigious awards, including the Architectural Institute of Japan Award, the Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award (Finland), and the International Stone Architecture Award (Italy), among others. Kengo Kuma & Associates aims to design architecture which naturally merges with its cultural and environmental surroundings, proposing gentle, human scaled buildings. The office is constantly in search of new materials to replace concrete and steel, and seeks a new approach for architecture in a post-industrial society.
Natural Form with Blank Space and Unevenness

米谷 ひろし 空間デザイナー・多摩美術大学環境デザイン学科教授
1968年大阪生まれ。武蔵野美術大学卒業後、内田繁に師事。2002年に君塚賢、増子由美とTONERICO:INC.を設立、同代表。建築、インテリアから家具、プロダクトに至るまで多岐にわたり活動。国内外で定期的にコンセプチュアルな作品を発表している。ミラノサローネサテリテデザインリポートアワード最優秀賞、JCDデザイン賞金賞、JID賞インテリアスペース賞、インテリアプロダクト賞、毎日デザイン賞ノミネート、グッドデザイン賞など受賞歴多数。代表作に、アーティゾン美術館、銀座蔦屋書店、新宿北村写真機店、Loft店舗開発、池袋西武「光の時計口」、KLOCKWORX、花桔梗、青山見本帖、カネボウルナソル展示空間、パリ日本文化会館「WA展」、arflex「AUN」、籐家具「ami」シリーズ、CASSINA IXC.「MEMENTO」、CONDE HOUSE「京橋の椅子」など。
HIROSHI YONEYA Spatial designer / Professor, the Department of Environmental Design, Tama Art University
"Born in Osaka in 1968, Yoneya graduated from Musashino Art University and worked under Shigeru Uchida. Yoneya is CEO of TONERICO: INC., which he co-founded with Ken Kimizuka and Yumi Masuko. He works on a range of projects from architecture to interior and product design and regularly exhibits his conceptual works in Japan and overseas.
Yoneya is a recipient of a number of awards, including the first prize of SaloneSatellite Design Report Award, JCD Gold Award, JID Interior Space and Interior Product Prizes, Mainichi Design Awards nomination, and Good Design Award. His signature projects include the Artizon Museum, GINZA TSUTAYA BOOKS, Shinjuku Kitamura Camera, Loft store development, “Hikari no Tokei” gate at SEIBU Ikebukuro, KLOCKWORX, HANAKIKYO, Aoyama MIHONCHO, Kanebo LUNASOL exhibition space, “WA” exhibition space at Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris, “AUN” for arflex, cane furniture series “ami,” “MEMENTO” for CASSINA IXC., and “Kyobashi Armchair” for CONDE HOUSE.
旭川家具 ~森と技とデザインの産地~
Asahikawa Furniture - The Source of Forest, Craftsmanship, and Design -
渡辺 直行 旭川家具工業協同組合 代表理事
昭和26年 札幌生まれ
昭和51年 東京造形大学 デザイン学科 ID専攻 卒業
昭和51年 株式会社インテリアセンター入社
昭和55年~昭和57年 HOKKAIDO FURNITURE(米国サンフランシスコ市)駐在員
昭和59年~昭和62年 HOKKAIDO DESIGNS,INC. (米国サンフランシスコ市)総支配人
平成9年 株式会社インテリアセンター(現カンディハウス)代表取締役社長
平成25年 株式会社カンディハウス 代表取締役会長 現在に至る
北海道家具工業協同組合連合会 理事長/旭川家具工業協同組合 代表理事/一般社団法人日本家具産業振興会 理事/公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 理事/あさひかわ創造都市推進協議会 会長/旭川大学後援会長
平成28年 北海道産業貢献賞 受賞
NAOYUKI WATANABE Managing director, Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
1951 Born in Sapporo
1976 Graduated from the Department of Design at Tokyo Zokei University (Industrial design major)
1976 Joined Interior Center Co.Ltd.
1980-82 Expatriate staff of HOKKAIDO FURNITURE (San Francisco, USA)
1984-87 General manager of HOKKAIDO DESIGNS, Inc. (San Francisco, USA)
1997 President of Interior Center Co.Ltd. (currently known as CONDE HOUSE)
2013- Executive chairman of CONDE HOUSE Co.Ltd.
Managing director, Hokkaido Furniture Industry Cooperative / Managing director, Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative / Executive director, Japan Furniture Industry Development Association / Executive director, Japan Institute of Design Promotion / President, Asahikawa Creative City Promotion Committee / Leader, Asahikawa University Supporters’ Group
2016 Received the Hokkaido Industry Contribution Award
Diverging Point for a New Era

小泉 誠 家具デザイナー
1960年東京生まれ。木工技術を習得した後、デザイナー原兆英と原成光に師事。1990年Koizumi Studio設立。2003年にデザインを伝える場として「こいずみ道具店」を開設。建築から箸置きまで生活に関わる全てのデザインを手がけ、現在は日本全国のものづくりの現場を駆け回り地域との恊働を続けている。2015年には「一般社団法人わざわ座」を立ち上げ、手仕事の復権を目指す活動を開始。
Born in Tokyo in 1960. After mastering woodworking techniques, he studied under designers Choei Hara and Shigemitsu Hara. He established Koizumi Studio in 1990 and then, in 2003, opened Koizumi Douguten [Koizumi Tool Shop] as a place to showcase my designs.
His work spans a range of lifestyle design covering everything from architecture to chopstick holders, continuing to spend a great deal of time traveling throughout Japan developing collaborations with local craftspeople and established "Wazawaza" in 2015.
He has been the professor at the faculty of Scenography, Display and Fashion Design, Musashino Art University.
He was awarded the Mainichi Design Prize (2012), grand prix at the Japan Crafts Exhibition (2015), grand prix at the JID design award (2018).
暮らし 再生と次のものづくり
Life; Rejuvenation and Future Manufacturing

喜多 俊之 デザイナー・デザインプロデューサー
1969年よりイタリアと日本でデザインの制作活動を始める。イタリアやドイツ、日本のメーカーから家具、家電、ロボット、家庭日用品などのデザインで多くのヒット製品を生む。作品の多くがニューヨーク近代美術館、パリ・ポンピドゥーセンターなど世界のミュージアムに永久収蔵されている。また、日本各地の伝統工芸・地場産業の活性化、およびクリエイティブ・プロデユーサーとして多方面で活躍する。グッドデザイン賞審査委員長を務める(2004年、2005年、2006年)。国際見本市「LIVING & DESIGN」総合プロデューサー。 暮らしのリノベーション「RENOVETTA プロジェクト」を提唱。2011年、イタリア「黄金コンパス賞(国際功労賞)」受賞。2017年、イタリア共和国より「イタリア共和国功労勲章コンメンダトーレ」受勲。2017年より2018年、経済産業省・特許庁の「デザイン経営」宣言の作成にコアメンバーとして務める。2018年、特許庁より平成30年度「知財功労賞」受賞。大阪芸術大学教授。
著書:「デザインの力」「MOVEMENT AS CONSEPT」「紙と漆」「地場産業+デザイン」「デザインの探険」など。
TOSHIYUKI KITA Designer / Design producer
Practicing both in Italy and Japan since 1969, Kita has designed a number of best-selling products for manufacturers in Italy, Germany, and Japan. Most of his works, ranging from furniture to home appliances, robots, and daily goods, are in the permanent collections of museums worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Pompidou Centre in Paris. He is active in revitalizing and promoting local industries and traditional crafts in many parts of Japan and also works as a creative producer in various fields.
Kita was the chairperson of “Good Design Award” from 2004 to 2006 and currently serves as the executive producer for the international trade fair “LIVING & DESIGN.” He is also the advocate of the lifestyle renovation, the “RENOVETTA” project.
In Italy, Kita won the “Compasso d’Oro” in 2011 and was bestowed with the honorary title of “Commendatore” by the Italian Republic in 2017. From 2017 to 2018, he was one of the core members in preparing the report “Declaration of Design Management,” issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry in conjunction with the Japan Patent Office. He was the recipient of the “FY2018 Intellectual Property Achievement Award” by the Japan Patent Office in 2018. Kita is a professor at the Osaka University of Arts.
Publications: “Capability of Design,” “Movement as Concept,” “WASHI AND URUSHI,” “Local industry + Design,” and “Exploration of Design.”